Sunday, December 28, 2008

Of Seals and Men

There are three top stories in the news today: Israel has murdered almost 300 Palestinians; yet more Canadians have been killed in Afghanistan; and the government is changing the rules to make seal hunting more humane.

Now for once I sympathize with the government. They have little choice, as Europe is planning to ban the import of seal products in 2009 if changes are not made.

Certainly the environmentalists have been extremely successful in drawing attention to the seal hunt, and getting people on their side. I happen to disagree with them - personally I think the seals have a much better life (in their native habitat) and no worse death than your average cow or chicken - but that is not my point.

What I would like to know is where are these people, with their graphic photographs, their tales of cruelty and their famous faces (yes, Paul McCartney, I mean you) when it comes to the suffering and death of hundreds or thousands of their fellow human beings? If they can convince the world that the hakapik (spiked club) is an evil weapon, surely a bomb would be child's play.

If the cruel death of a seal pup is worth protesting over, surely that of a child should bring out many times the numbers of complainants.

Yet what happens? Europe threatens to ban seal products. Then they shake their collective finger at Israel and Palestine and say "Now, now, play nice." And we go on to the next news story.

I will start worrying about the manner in which we kill animals for food and clothing once we stop killing each other.

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