Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Open Letter to the People of Ontario

All of us in Ontario, indeed in Canada, have been treated to a great deal of American news in the past year. Much of it has focused on the leader of that country: a man who appears incapable of telling the truth, breaks promises as easily as he makes them, plays at his job like a game, and is an embarrassment to most of his people.

There is one valuable thing, however, that we can learn from this man: how NOT to vote.

People in the United States voted for a man who said he was “one of you”, though he wasn’t. A man who said he would help the common man, though he didn’t. A man who said you can have it all without paying for it, though we all know you can’t.

Too many Americans fell for this, and they are paying for it now.

Doug Ford is simply Donald Trump wrapped in a maple leaf. A rich, bombastic, right-wing politician who will say anything for a vote, and means not a word of it. We don’t have to guess where this leads: we just have to look south of the border to see the results. Do we want to lose respect, becoming a laughing stock, and – oh by the way – see massive cuts to our social programmes which will go to line the pockets of the rich?

We have seen this type of “populist” candidate before. We know where it ends up. Right now the polls are saying that Doug Ford has a lock on the June election. Prove them wrong. Prove we are better than that.