Thursday, January 26, 2012

'Liberal' and 'Conservative' News

I was reading an article the other day that said that Americans only listened to news from “their” side – that is, right-wing people listen to right-wing newscasts and read right-wing papers. Left-wingers do the opposite.

I recognized myself in this immediately. Though not an American I am a (small-l) liberal, and I generally watch the CBC and read the Toronto Star. So today, when someone was handing out free copies of the radically right-wing National Post on the way to work, I accepted one.

At lunch, I read the Star first. I agreed with the way a lot of the stories were presented, as usual. The main story on the front page was entitled “’Moment of truth’ for unions”.

Then I picked up the Post. To be honest, I never made it past the front page.

The title of the lead story was “Would a caveman send a Facebook friend request?”

I have decided I will stick with my preferred news sources.

1 comment:

Rudolf Sob ( said...

You missed a rather interesting article commenting on a Harvard study regarding friendship formation in primitive societies. But, then, one would have to keep their eyes and mind open, and might learn something new. Hey, back to that zenith of journalism, the likes of Heather Malick, Rick Salutin and Haroon Siddiqui. well, keep your mind shut tight,careful, something might leak in.
Have a nice day.