Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hypocrisy and hate

Americans can be very interesting people. They are, reasonably enough, completely, totally and absolutely against terrorism. Unless, that is, the terrorism is against a country they don’t like (such as Cuba), in which case they may let the terrorists (Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles) live in their country under government protection.

They are also very firmly in support of democracy; so much so that they have been willing to impose it by force. So when the Palestinians democratically elected Hamas to represent them, one would assume that the U.S. would applaud the success of a fair and free election. Not exactly.

In fact, it seems there is only one thing that the United States does stand completely behind under all circumstances, and that is Israel.

The position of the United States in the current Israeli attack on Gaza is so bizarre that it would almost be funny if we were not talking about people’s lives. On being informed of the Israeli attacks that have taken over 400 Palestinian lives, Condoleeza Rice came out with the following statement: "We are deeply concerned about the escalating violence. We strongly condemn the attacks on Israel and hold Hamas responsible." George W. Bush had similar remarks. Are they watching the same news stories I am?

It is little wonder that the Arabs link the Americans so closely with the Isrealis – the Americans do it themselves. Not to mention the fact that it is American money and weapons that keep tiny Israel going in the first place. And an American veto that stops the United Nations from so much as calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Yes, Israel is responsible for this attack on Gaza. In no way am I “letting them off the hook”. However, if not for their powerful friends, the will of not only the Palestinians but the rest of the world would have a great effect in stopping them. That cannot happen as long as they have the unmitigated support of the United States.

If the Americans want to know “why they hate us”, they should take a close look at their position in this massacre.

NOTE: I understand that the position of a government does not represent the will of all individuals in a country. My use of “the United States” and "Israel" in this article refers to the governments of the countries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So it's just the First Nations in Canada you're racist against? Gotcha